
Macro ImageJ multiple color threshold in a image

You need to know the color of all of the objects in your images and rerun the color threshold multiple times per image.

Make a mask using color threshold with ImageJ (and then turn this ...

The way to do this is to run the macro recorder, then select the values in the Threshold Color applet and then press the “Macro” button. That ...

Particle Analysis

The Threshold color option allows you to choose between Red, White, Black, or B&W as the thresholding color. The Color space option allows you to choose ... Automatic Particle counting · Setting a threshold · Analyze Particles


Threshold_Colour. A modification of Bob Dougherty's BandPass2 filter to threshold colour RGB images in the HSB, RGB, CIE Lab or YUV spaces.

[PDF] Using Threshold Colour for segmentation in Fiji 31 January 2017

This option of segmenting images based on colours can be useful for segmenting histological stains based on hue where the colours do not ...

Threshold, colouring and combining images : rImageJ

Try colour thresholding (image>adjust>colour threshold) based on HSV (hue and saturation) to select the colours of your image instead of splitting it solely on ...

Setting the parameters for color threshold using the ...

Setting the parameters for color threshold using the color threshold tool in ImageJ. Hue values have been set for broad analysis.

FIJI (ImageJ): Segmenting RGB Color Images [IHC Stains]

Learn how to use FIJI (ImageJ) to segment/threshold RGB images like immunohistochemical (IHC) stains for subsequent analysis.


Youneedtoknowthecolorofalloftheobjectsinyourimagesandrerunthecolorthresholdmultipletimesperimage.,Thewaytodothisistorunthemacrorecorder,thenselectthevaluesintheThresholdColorappletandthenpressthe“Macro”button.That ...,TheThresholdcoloroptionallowsyoutochoosebetweenRed,White,Black,orB&Wasthethresholdingcolor.TheColorspaceoptionallowsyoutochoose ...AutomaticParticlecounting·Settingathreshold...